Thursday, September 19, 2024
Outlook India
Outlook Business

Silicon Valley Bank

Founded in 2018, Pocket FM has raised $93.5 million until the Series C round

Nanda also said that there has been a 40 per cent growth in the number of DPIIT registered startups to 95,000

Top officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Reserve Bank of India will testify before a parliamentary panel on April 3 to discuss the impact of the global financial crisis on India's start-up ecosystem, following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank,...

The move has provided comfort to start-ups, but the bigger question is whether founders will be able to transfer all their money out of the bank at once, and if the system will be able to support the withdrawal process

Regulators closed the Silicon Valley Bank on Friday after depositors rushed to withdraw their funds all at once. The only larger failure in U.S. banking history was the 2008 collapse of Washington Mutual

Entrepreneurs who had deposited all their start-ups' money in Silicon Valley Bank are reportedly realising it makes more sense to spread their funds across several institutions

Chandrasekhar mentioned that start-ups are important in the Indian economy

Pai advised founders of India-centric startups "to be careful" and "not get carried away" by investors who force companies they fund, to domicile in the US and open bank accounts there as well. Pai said Silicon Valley Bank was a start-up-friendly bank and its...

Recur Club has claimed that more than 50 per cent of Indian SaaS (software-as-a-service) companies are estimated to have a US presence, out of which a majority were banking with SVB

According to a report by Moneycontrol, more than 60 per cent of the YCombinator-backed Indian start-ups deposited over $2,50,000 in SVB