Thursday, September 19, 2024
Outlook India
Outlook Business

Saas Services

Core features of Intello include integrated AI tools for deeper insights, audio, and video capabilities via WebRTC, and a multi-feature-single window interface for streamlined access to multiple functions.

The platform provides features for influencer discovery, democratises influencer search and collaboration with its marketplace, and provides detailed analytics for the measurement of return on investment

The report is centered on 117 start-ups, each with a valuation of $500 million or higher over the past three years. It traced a total count of 252 secondary deals associated with these start-ups since the year 2021

The SaaS fund and accelerator has also successfully closed the initial round of its $40 million Upekkha fund

ADI combines analog, digital, and software technologies into solutions that help drive advancements in digitised factories, mobility, and digital healthcare

Tanuj Gulati has over 20 years of experience in starting and operating cybersecurity companies to market-leading success

QNu Labs said that the latest funding will fast-track its product enhancements and market delivery

Credgenics collections platform for ARCs provides complete visibility into each stage of delinquent cases, including previous communication history, etc

Kapture Insights leverages customer feedback collected across multiple customer touch points to deliver actionable insights and foster effective query resolution and customer-led innovation

The platform uses the latest Wi-Fi 6 technologies to provide a secure and dependable connection