Thursday, September 19, 2024
Outlook India
Outlook Business

Digital Payments

An uphill task and a migration nightmare await the fintech giant as it must retain a customer base which chose the platform for the USP that it no longer has

The partnership has enabled Capital Now to onboard its customers faster, reducing the overall turnaround time for digital loan disbursement by 25 per cent over their incumbent solution

It allows merchants to seamlessly verify user identity, eliminating the need for technical expertise, thereby enhancing accuracy and reducing drop-offs

TMB will leverage Jocata’s low-code Digital Lending Platform to drive its digital transformation strategy, providing MSMEs with an end-to-end digital, personalised, and experience-led value proposition

India is in talks with Namibia, Mozambique, and Kenya to help develop their own Unified Payment Interface (UPI)

Kolabtree users will benefit from a better, more streamlined process that will help them to manage projects and payments efficiently

This came after PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) India resigned as the fintech's auditor on 7th August

uTap has a feature that will allow merchants to accept omnichannel payments

The company has confirmed orders of over Rs 35 crores for its custom-built AudioCube devices

Merchant subscriptions stood at 82 lakhs, with 41 lakh new subscriptions over the year